Chico CA

Truck load of bees from out of state for almond pollination

The beatiful foothills of Lassen in Fall


  • The Lassen Queen Bee Company produces and sells both Italian and New World Carniolan queen bees. We believe selling different breeds allows us to provide a queen that will best fit the specific needs of our customers.
  •  We utilize the perfect queen breeding climate that exists in the north state of California. Located right at the foot of Mount Lassen, outside of Chico California, we have some of the longest driest weather on the west coast spring through fall. This allows us to raise quality queens from March all the way through September. We are some of the first to have queens available each season and keep some of the last queen stock available as winter approaches allowing our customers to re-queen nearly anytime of the beekeeping season.
  • Our extensive experience in the Northern California beekeeping industry also allows us to help customers find almond pollination contracts. If you are interested in setting up a pollination contract through Lassen Queen Bees please contact us a minimum of three months in advance

The Lassen Queen Bee Co.